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MAECI – ENEA – Export rinnovabile, sostenibile e stellare

EXPORT RINNOVABILE: Italian researches for clean energy A journey into the Italian system for a clean energy among technological excellences, hi-tech materials, advanced solutions and patents. Solar, clean energy, heat delivery: Italian clean energy system aims at satisfying human needs and the industrial demand to reduce consumption and increase competitiveness and sustainability.

EXPORT SOSTENIBILE: Italy for sustainability A journey through the Italian system that addresses the enhancement of raw materials by recovering precious elements from waste, creating new and more sustainable products for nutrition, health and safety.

EXPORT STELLARE: The Italian challenge to reproduce on earth the energy of the sun and stars A journey at the very heart of research and companies that work on plants, components, hi-tech materials for nuclear fusion. The Italian system for clean inexhaustible and safe energy has in the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) a focal point for the challenge to reproduce solar and star energy on earth: DTT Divertor Tokamak Test, Frascati Tokamak, ITER are at the center of our effort. Frontier technologies to meet global needs, enhance innovation and competitivity.

Further informations: ENEA – YouTube